This is Mrs Adams standing above the Mill Race on the old Moylena bridge known
fondly by Antrim folk as the Shakey Bridge.
Mrs Adams is pointing to three planks missing that could be dangerous at night
Now I know what you are all thinking and you would be wrong, this was not
the reason the Antrim Borough Council took away our Beloved Bridge which was
over 100 years old nor the reason they gave it away for nothing on the QT.
This photograph seems to have been taken by standing in the river and photographing
the ruins of Antrim Castle. It seems back then they knew the value of the
ruins of Antrim Castle by turning the photograph into a postcard.
This is the 2nd Antrim. Batt. Ulster Home Guard. Transport Platoon having
having their photograph taken.
At the back on the left is John Montpord, then Jim McGregor, Jim Millar, Frank
anderson, Andy Reid. Bob Hood, Wilfie Kennedy, Bobby Moore, James Moody, Jim
McDowell, John Harrison and Cecil Rea.
In the middle row are Bertie Black (On the bike), John McCosh, Jack Wilson,
Freddie Clarke, Jim Shaw, George Phillips, James O Kelly, Herbie Robinson,
Dick Maybin, John McAuley, Sammy Lyttle, Tom Bakes and biker is Unknown.
The front row has bertie Reid, Jim Alexander, Herbie Harper, Jim Boyd, Captain
Long, Andy Watt, Jack Adrain, Jim Lowry, Bobby Ross,Ron Houston and James

This is the Antrim Parish Ladies Bowling Club back on
the 6th October 1963 having their photograph taken.
Back Row: on the left we have Mrs Buckley, E.M.
Killop, M. Flemming, M. Colter, Athompson, C. Carson, H. Wright, Joan McKee
and Miss Anderson.
Middle Row: has Mrs Bradley, Mrs Pattison, M.
Cuckson, M. Meerin, Mrs Hawkins, Mrs Curry, M. McIlrea, M. Wallace, N. McKee
and B. Wallace.
Front Row: F. Neill, D. McKeown, B. McKee, Mrs
Wilson, Unknown, E. McMaster, Mrs Taylor and finally L. Kenny.

It's the 1940's during WWII and here in McCabe's butcher's back yard we have
Antrim Home Guard having their photograph taken.
Sadly at the moment the only name known to me is that of William McKee Senior
who is first on the left middle row.
These men who came from all walks of life were fully trained to a high standard
in fact 16 of them had already served in WWI.
Now if you know any of these men please let me know for they deserve to have
their names added for history.

This is Antrim Royal Mail Postal Staff in 1911 just three years away from
the life changing events of World War I.
What the staff's jobs were is unknown to me except for the two small boys
they were the telegram boys who soon people would dread to see coming up their
street carrying a telegram to say a loved one had been killed in the war.
Now the telegram boy on the left has all ready been working for the Royal
Mail for a year, his name is William McKee and went on to serve 52 years with
them so William would have the dreadful task of delivering the news.

This postcard shows a South view of Antrim Castle and has been has been hand
coloured for colour photography was expensive back then.
To the left is the Motte which has now been retored to a very high standard
and you can see right down High Street from the top.
In from the left of the castle can be seen an arched doorway. This was where
the tradesmen dropped off their deliveries and also the servants entrance.
In the foreground the pathway leads to the pleasure garden back then, now
it has been restored I would say it's far better than it ever was.

This Bob Adger of the royal Fusiliers having his photograph taken in a studio,
they were then made into postcards so they could post them to loved ones.
Where the photograph was taken is unknown but it was posted Slindon in West
Sussex on the 15th August 1917 while WW1 was still raging in Europe by someone
other than Bob to a "Mrs Hook - Mouth Road - Amberley - Arundel which
was also in West Sussex. The last part of the message is missing for they
cut the bottom of the photograph to fit it into a frame. So here is what we
have of the message: " Dear Mother, I have just had these from Bob don't
you think they are good of him. I do hope you are quite well, this wet weather,
did he tell you he expects" rest of message cut off. Perhaps he was going
to say where he was going to be stationed. Well we know that for he was stationed
at Shane's Castle in Randalstown. Bob on his time off visited Antrim where
he met a Maggie Clarke with whom he fell in love with and they were married
at the Church of Ireland at Templpatrick. They lived at first in Belmont Park
and then in later years moved to Firfields. Bob went home aged 86.

All smiles for the camera we have the Rev. Derek Allen and his lovely wife
Alice Allen.
Derek was the minister at Loanends Presbyterian Church in the 1950,s. They
then imigrated to Canada and Derek was the minister at Oshawa and Ottawa.
Alice still lives in Ottawa alone now for her dear husband Derek has gone
Up here in the old Antrim signal box having a yarn before the next train back
in 1991 we have on the leftBarry Reynolds but who Barry is talking too is
a mystery unless you know him. If you do please let me know so I can fill
in the blank.
My thanks to Ed Cunningham who
has gone home of Ontario, Canada for this photograph.
'SHIP AHOY' 17 pupils from Antrim Grammar School
got ready set off on a western Mediterran cruise and on the 17th July 1975
they boarded the" S.S Unganda"
After they settled in in their dormitories they went back up on top to watch
the anchor being lifted out of the sea at 5.30pm to head through through Bay
of Biscay and on to their first port of call Gibaltar. A great time was had
by all and that was Francis McVeigh, Trevor Service, Tony Harris, Paul Lowery,
Mr Lindsay, Stephen Becket, Wendy Borland, Jackie Cochrin, Rosie McNeilly,
Maggie Burns, Cliff Lowery, Gereldine Beers, Ian Shaw, Dorothy Leslie, Sharon
Lynn and Robin Buick.

Now the only text on the photograph is:"Dulce Et Decorum Est" Written
by by the Roman poet Horace: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. In English,
this means "it is sweet and fitting to die for
one's country".
Sadly I do not know any of their names and they deserved to be names so get
your thinking caps on and if you know any of them let me know and I will send
you a photograph
Flying over the Antrim Forum during a flying display is a Fairey Swordfish
with its torpedo and along side is a Chipmunk.
Now the Swordfish's nickname was Stringbag and looking at it you can see why,
this plane was built of aluminiumand covered with fabric and there was no
closed in cockpit. As you can imagine it was slow but these planes served
in WWII. They were responsible for destroying 21 U Boats and helped in the
sinking of the Bismark by damaging its rudder with a torpedo so it could only
go round in circles.
Now the Swordfish in this photograph W5856 is the oldest surviving example
left anywhere in the world. It was built in 1941 by the Blackburn Aircraft
Company at Sherburn-in-Elmet. The aircraft was flown from Sherburn-in-Elmet
to Lichfield on 21 October 1941, and was packed by 82MU (Maintenance Unit),
ready for shipment overseas. It was delivered to Liverpool via Southport.
for shipping. Her intended destination was Bermuda, but instead was sent
to Gibraltar aboard SS Empire Moon. It remained in the Mediterranean for the
next twelve until returning to the UK for rerurbishment during the winter
of 1942/43. It then became a training plane for pilots and eventually went
to Canada to train pilots there.
Here we are at Aldergrove in 1938 and these guys are Aero Engine Fitters who
the following year would become very valuable as in September 1939 the following
year the Second World - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - -- - - - - -War would start in Europe.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -Back
Row: on the left is Mr Armstrong then F. Breen and Mr. McAreauey.
- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - --Middle Row:
is Mr. Cairnduff, Unknown and Mr. McCullough. -
- - - -- - - -- - - - - - Front Row: are Mr. Murray and Mr McNeilly.
Even as a burnt out shell Antrim Castle still stood then majestically and
proud with all its facade back in 1953. Behind the children through the main
entrance you can see a small arched doorway and through the window to the
right you can see a large arched entrance perhaps a corridor. Through the
window to the left you can see a small boy exploring the inside of the Castle.
Now to the children sitting on the steps at the back we have Alan Gillespie
and in front is Patricia Wilson and her cousin Caroline McCrea who was here
on holiday. The young chap that took the photograph is Desmond Gillespie who
used a Brownie wooden box camera and it took skill to use it.
This photograph was taken in Antrim but why the people are all dressed up
is unknown to me.
Was this a fancy dress do or where they part of a theatrical group, now if
you know better please let me know.
Isn't this nice, brother and Sister with their arms around each other instead
of usually around each others necks!
This is Rita Agnew with her brother Jack Agnew in 1937 sitting in the field
enjoying themselves and in the background a thing you would never see in a
field nowadays, a Haystack! I used to love either sliding down them or burrowing
into them to make a secret hideout and then the farmer chasing us.
STAFF 3029
It's 1950 and it's 1.40pm here at the Antrim Sorting Post Office with
the staff who are having their photograph taken.
From the left at the back is Robin Baird, Samuel Fleming, William (Willy or
Billy) McKee, "Ching" Wallace and Billy Neill (from Randalstown)
Seated in front are from Head Office J.B. McRoberts, Olive McMaster, Mrs Baxter,
Isa McQuillan and Eric Kyle Postmaster.
My thanks to Louise Jones, Betty Campbell and Milly
Stapleton for most of the names.
Pictured at the Antrim depot in 1956 these postal drivers who have received
their Safe-driving certificates are Samuel Fleming, Robin Baird and Billy
On the left is Postmaster Eric Kyle and the other man who presented the certificates
from head office is J.B. McRoberts.
Out for a paddle on the beach at Portstewart with their granny Rachel Agnew
in 1941.
Holding granny's hand on the left is Rita then her twin sisters Maudie and
Ann - finally over to the right is her big brother Jack.

This room in Antrim Castle was called the Oak room here the walls are covered
from floor to ceiling with solid Irish Oak, most of it is dark oak but here
and there you get a lighter shade of oak. To the left of the picture you can
see one of the family paintings, next on your right is the fireplace which
was the grate in one frame. Now on touching a secret spring the whole massive
frame swung out to reveal a hidden recess. To the far right you can see a
very large chair, this is in fact the " Speakers Chair " from the
Irish House of Commons. Also in this room was the original oak door from "All
Saints Parish Church" which was riddled with bullet holes from the Battle
of Antrim. Sadly all that you see was destroyed including the Castle in a
great fire which was started deliberately.
Date Unknown.
Standing at the back door of her house and all set to go to school back in
1969 is Michelle Allen.
Her dog on the right is wondering why it can't go as well.
This is the walled gardens from the other end and you can see the closed gate
in the distance while this one is open. Why oh why did Antrim council destroy
these walled gardens there was no reason to do so, they only needed to corden
it off then retore the walls and the land put back to planting and did the
pathways. It would have been a massive attraction for visitors and bring in
renevue badly needed for the town, you would also have had local people employed
looking after the gardens.

Taken at least a decade after Antrim Castle was burned this shows how quickly
nature starts to take over.
This is the start of the walled gardens, the idea was to be able to grow lots
of plants in the ground near to the walls so that not only did it give shelter
to them from harsh weathers but they also benefited from the heat coming off
the walls due to the sun. Beyond the gated entrance were more walled gardens
and you can see the greenhouses through the gate which were built up against
the wall. Over the top of the wall you can catch a glimpse of the Castle.
The walled gardens were destroyed along with the Castle by Antrim Council
of that time.
This is Antrim Castle in the late 1960's and as you can see all the walls
are still standing 50 years years after it was burned down by arsonists.
That's Abbeyview in Muckamore on the left and the presence of the horse and
cart tells you it was taken quite a while ago! But long after the mills have
faded away, the street itself is still going strong.In fact it is remarkably
well preserved. This house in the foreground was called the Gaffer house and
the row and the one behind belonged to York Street Flax Spinng mill who had
a factory at Muckamore. The Gaffer house was redesigned and had a Post Office
put into it, the other Gaffer house at the other end is were you could get
groceries ect.
These are some of the members of Antrim hockey Club being photographed with
their brewery sponsers.
On the left holding the hockey stick is bobby Peacocke and in the back row
is the Mayor Paddy Marks.
The year is unknown.
It's 3.35pm here in 1980 and we are looking up the spire of ' All Sanits'
Presbyterian Church in Church Street Antrim were they are working on putting
on a new top.
In my younger days I climbed up to the parapet where the clock is to take
some photos of Antrim and I'm terrified of heights, you would have thought
my back was glued to the spire.
How about going all the way to Australia to get married? Well that's what
Eunice Scott and Dal Armstrong did and here they are getting ready to enter
the bridal car in Brisbane.
This milestone was photographed in 1953 in Castle
Street which is gone and so is the milestone. There used to be one also in
Fountain Street which has also disapeared to make way for a passage way.
Standing next to his 1936 Citroen big 15 on the strand at Portstewart is Alex
Agnew from Templepatrick.
As it was 1941 and the Second World War was still ongoing you still had the
blackout curfews at night. It you look closely at the headlight on the left
you will see it has a cover on it with slats that pointed downward to reflect
the light, this meant not much light came out of them and so they then painted
a white strip on the mudguards of the car to help other motorists to see you.

This photograph was taken long after October 1922 when during a great Ball
when an arsonist (a servant at the castle) lit a fire underneath the grand
staircase and deliberately made sure there was no water in the big holding
tanks which where in the loft area. It did not take long for the whole Castle
to be enveloped in flames when they heard screams coming from one of the first
floor windows. It was Ethel one of the servants, they quickly got a ladder
and very soon got Ethel to safety but by the time the ambulance arrived it
was too late, Ethel had not been burned by the fire but sadly had died due
to smoke inhalation. In the foreground you can see a gate and an entrance
which most likely had steps and was probably used by the servants, further
on part of the wall has collasped for the council at the time did nothing
to secure the Castle. Even though in this sad state it was a great attraction
for it had been magnificent. Just beyond the fallen wall is a main door for
the upper class to come out through and take in the wonderful views including
the Sixmilewater River. Eventually the Castle got into a dangerous state because
it had not been looked after that Antrim Borough Council at the time own Archiect
ordered it to be bulldozed down and all that remains is the Octagon Tower.
To be fair the the Council of today have worked hard at turning the Castle
grounds now called Antrim Gardens into a place of beauty and has won many
awards and worth going to see.
This is Antrim Castle many years after it was deliberately set on fire. Above
the front door are the coats of arms of the Ferrard's and the Massereene's
and even in this sad state it was still attracting many visitors as you can
see by the car on the left. To the right is the Motte from where at the top
the last cannon ball was fired fired during the Battle of Antrim in 1798.
This is Railway Street in 1952 and the A.B.D. Memorial Pipe band with Drum
Major Robert McKelvey and his son Houston leading are walking away from High
This is Antrim Castle in the 1940's and it holds you in awe for the beautiful
Castle it once was. Next to the Castle is the Motte and the steps to the right
lead up to the wall enclosed gardens.
A DAY OUT 3228
Sitting on the rocks up round the North - East Antrim Coast in 1926 having
travelled up from Antrim on a day out.
Sadly at the moment none of the people in photograph are known to me, unless
you know better.
Standing at the side of the Ballybentra road at Dunadry we have Rachel Agnew
proudly holding her grandson's arm on the left is Jack Agnew
and on the right is Marvin Bell who married one of Jack's sisters. The year
is unknown.
This is Railway Street in 1952 with the A.B.D. Memorial Pipe band walking
away from High Street.
In the background you can see the Protestant Hall and next to it two houses.At
the first house you can see a little boy waving at the band.
The second one looks very imposing I wonder did someone of high esteem live
in it.
Standing out in a field of haystacks we have from A.B.D. Memorial Pipe Band
on the left Gordon Jamison and James Baird in 1935.
MY CAR 989
Standing beside his beloved 1936 Morris 10 car in 1946 we have Alex Agnew.
Behind the wheel is Alex's son Jack who wishes he had the car key and beside
him is his sister Rita.