This is Main Street in Ballymoney in 1901 and I'm surprised at the rubbish in the gutter and it looks like it has been raining. To the left in the foreground is a shop with a sign
saying ' Hay and Straw sold here.'. The shop next had plently of aluminium buckets sitting outside and lengths of rope. At the next shop a man is peeping out while the dog is
looking at the other two dogs in the road. Over to the right a Health and Safety man would have a fit at the man causally looks around him while keeping his foot on the ladder
to stop it sliding. The painter on the small ladder is just finishing of his work having started on the bigger ladder at the top. Now look at the thatched house next to him
have you ever seen such a narrow home! Further down is another thatched cottage but this one has been turned into a shop.

It's the 1940's here on Main Street Ballymoney and as you can see the horse and cart have all but disappeared and all you see is cars and bikes.
On the left behind the little girl is McIlroy's, next is Carsons Cash Hardware Store you name it they sold it. Hanging on a pole are shoes beside the pole are galvanised buckets
and on a stand at the kerb are more of them. On up the car is an Austin and you can see the starting handle, across the road is another old car and attached to a bar in front of the
radiator showing their AA badge and another one. A nurse is passing by the car and on up the road is the Clock Tower and beyond the church.
This is High Street Ballymoney, it must be early morning as the shops are open but not to many people around doing shopping. Hamill on the left is selling not only
hardware but also farming equiptment going by the piece on the road outside the shop. Across the road to the right is the Commercial Hotel with a pony and trap outside it.
On down is the Clock Tower building and it was here that the Magistrate George Hutchinson had the United Irishman Alexander Gamble hanged in 1798.
Here we are in Main Street Ballymoney 1953 at 2.45pm on a Saturday but it has never been as packed as this. Halfway up the street there is lines of bunting hanging across the street
perhaps there is some kind of celebration going on. Now some of the people at R. J. Carson's shop have spotted the photographer perhaps they're thinking we will need a
photographer for the wedding before they go into Carson's to look for wedding stationary ect. Next shop is Ballantine's where they sold everything a lady would need.
This advertisement for Maconaghie's shows the shop hasn't changed much, the only difference between it and the photo is the writing on the side wall
Here we have James Maconaghie's which was in High Street Ballymoney it was a thriving business, Millinery, Dressmaking, Outfitters and General Drapery.
There wasn't anything in clothing of any description they could noy supply to the customer, many people remember going there for their childrens clothes and school uniforms.
Now if you're thinking when looking at the side window that's a lot of headbands, they're not. They are mens collars and you used a stud to attach it to your shirt.
Here in Main Street Ballymoney it's nearly mid-day and the shops have their awnings out to protect their goods in the shop windows from the glare of the sun.
At the top of the street is Tower Clock and just passing it is a heavily laden cart, as lest the driver is walking beside it. Coming down the street are two ladies just passing another
horse and cart. Further down is a donkey and cart with a little boy sitting down in it. The man is standing up looking at the three Sham (slang) laughing at him while a woman and
a man are watching what is going on. The car by tne way is a left hand drive so it's been imported, in front is a motor cycle and side car probably belonging to one of the men.
It's the 1960's and here we have some Auxillery nurses form the route hospital first on the left is Jean Sharkey, next sitting on the motorbike is Jean Murray nee Craig the other
two are unknown. Jean was married to the local postman Ronnie Murray.
Here we are in Ballymoney's Station railway yard and yes you are looking at a stagecoach that was called the 'Old Ballymoney'. It was built sometime in November 1928.
It was one of many that belonged to the Ballycastle Royal Mail stage.
This is Meetinghouse Street Ballymoney in the 1960's and a mother and son with her dog just passing James Gordons & Sons who were Coal Merchants and delivered all over.
This is the Manor House on the left with iron railings and steps up to the house. Now the owner of the Manor house was a magistrate a man named George hutchinson known locally
as George 'Bloody' Hutchinson. He had got that name in 1798 after the defeat of the United Irishmen, he was ruthless in handing out punishment. Men were given a public lashing,
transportation to the penal colonies or execution by hanging, according to their involvement. Legend tells us that he took personal pride in the number of rebels he sentenced to death following the rebellion. Hutchinson showed no mercy and sentenced two of the leaders, Samuel Bonniton and William Adams, to death at Dungorbery and hanged them from a tree on the top of a hill. The other rebel leader, Alexander Gamble, was tried and sentenced to be hanged also but Hutchinson said he would spare his life if he informed on his fellow United Irishmen. Reportedly, Alexander replied, “I will die someday, and know not when; but it will be cast in the face of my children that their father betrayed others to save himself. ” Hutchinson was so enraged that he made an example of him by publicly hanging him at the Clock Tower at the top of the main street. After Hutchinson died and was buried in Ballymoney Old Graveyard it was said he haunted the house, children and adults until the day it was pulled down they used to run past the house!
To the right of the Manor the house is called the Brown Jug it was a Hardware and Ironmonger which also sold farming machinery as seen by the two pieces of machinery by the kerb.
The man standing in the doorway is most likley the store owner but is unknown, to the left of him there are two scythes, in front of him lying on there sides are three chairs another three are in front of the store window along with galvanized buckets.
It's 1915 and here having their photograph taken are the workers and the mill owners of - -- - -Milltown Mill.
Back Row: William Murdock, Jason Getty, John Biggart, Danny dillon, Matthew O' Neill, Tom - - - - - - - -- -- - McAllister and William Stewart
Third Row: William MacAfee, Robert MacAfee, William Darragh, Sam Elliot, John Moore and- - - - - - - - - --- - William Keers.
Second Row: Robert J. Hutchinson, Miss K. Crawford, Miss E. Wilson and Miss K. Wilson.
- -- - - - -
Front Row: Miss Margaret McDonald, Miss M. Beckett, Mr. R. A.. McElderry (owner), Mr. W. C. -- - - - - - - -- - -Pollack (owner), Miss Nina Murdock and Bertie Stinson.
Having their annual photograph taken are the pupils of Ballmoney Model School in the 1940's.
Back Row: David Getty, David Tweed, Michael Kennedy, Billy Smith, Victor McConaghie, Clifford - - - - - - - -Evans, Thomas Hyndman, Albert Elder, Hugh Wade, William Tweed, Clifford McClean,
Windsor Skinner and Alan Boyd.
Middle Row: Ellen Cairns, Margaret Warke, Sheena Laverty, Mary Mornin, Sandra Alexander, - - - - - - - - - - -Molly Taylor, Jean McCotter, Diana Dempsey, Susan Whitten, Lilian Gordon, - -- - - -Catherine Slater, Sally Whitten and Loreena Mooney.
Front Row: Jacqueline Williamson; Anne Hammond; Jean Murdock, Jean McCaughan, Margaret - - - - - -- - - -Stuart, Gretta Nesbit, Brenda Ellis, May Hunter, Loranna Black, Margaret Monteith, - Joan Dunlop and Elizabeth Tweed.
Frances Murdoch, was in this class too but sadly not in this photograph.
Just look at all these happy smiling faces of Ballymoney Model School Fifth Class (P7-P8) of 1948-49 having their annual photograph taken. Their Teacher was Ernie Cross.
Back Row: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Derek Smith, ? McKeeman, Unknown, Sammy Gordon, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Roy Alcorn, George Harcourt, Unknown, - - -
Gardiner McBride, John Mornin and Unknown,
Third row: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Lorna - - - --- - - - - - Harcourt, Unknown, Sally Millar, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown and Unknown
Second Row: Cryil Montgomery, James Brewster, Morag Peden Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, - - Unknown,, Margaret Hammond, Unknown, Gladys McClelland, Unknown,
- - - -Unknown, Joan Dunlop, Heather McKelvey, Unknown, Unknown and Unknown,
Front Row: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, John McComb, - - - - - Unknown, Unknown, Unknown and Unknown
The names of the pupils were provided by James Brewster. Now if you know anymore names please let me know where they are in the photo and I will send you a copy.
This is Milltown Primary School could be the 1940's, sadly the lady and male teachers along with the pupils are all unknown with one boy in his bare feet.
Now if you know any of them please let me know and I will send you a photograph.
This is the Model school on the Coleraine Road which was built in the 1850's until the 1960's when it became part of the Ballymoney Technical high School for boys.
When you look at the building you can see that it was extended to twice its size sometime. Here are some of the memories of past pupils.
Rosaleen Marshall: I also spent P5 in the huts with Miss Hattie. She was very caring, I remember her drying our wet coats on the fireguard around the pot-belly stove.
She quite often found little dead mice in her desk drawer.
Peter McCartney: Spent P5 in the old model with Miss Hattie, we were were in the huts heated by a coke fire our Handwork and Refectory lessons were in the main building.
Margaret Caswell: Spent all my primary education there, loved most of it. Mr. Morrison was the Headmaster but some of the teachers were found of using the cane.
Lorna Page: I remember Miss McCorriston who lived near Megaw Park, Miss Montgomery who lived in Margaret Avenue, Miss Hattie I think lived in Coleraine. Mrs Morrison
was the P7 teacher, she was brilliant. Miss McCaw who was a relative through marriage. Mr. Hayes he lived in Coleraine and there was a Mr. Ernie Cross. Now Mr. Thompson who was
horrible and who my mother had to be restrained from throttling. Also there was Mrs Hanna, Mr. Morrison the first Headmasterand then Mr. Sands who had beehives on the
school grounds.
These are William Moffett's two stores in Ballymoney, the one on the right sells bicycles and is the agent for Raleigh Cycles. The one on the left sells Glass, China and Earthenware. He also does household items, ironmongery along with all kinds of Jewellery.
Here we are in the yard behind Paul Mullan's house at the bottom of Union Street Ballymoney.
These are the pupils of Ballymoney Model School having their photograph taken around 1946.
Back Row: Joe Kelso, James Boyd, Jim Freeman, Ronnie Bailey, ? Caufield,, Seymour Warnock, Unknown and Sam McMullen.
Middle Row: Mary Tosh nee McLean, Moyyl Lamont, Mod McClure, Margaret Getty, Hazel Louden and Hugh Liggett.
Front Row: Jean McCaughern, Rosemary Sharpe, Doreen Kirgan, Charlotte Kelso, Sadie Pattison, Moria Dogherty, Mary Campbell, Unknown, Robin Patten, Unknown, May Murry,
Pearl gordon, Violet Tweed, Annie Mcclure and Mae Johnson.
The names of the pupils were provided by Alan Tosh. Now if you know anymore names please let me know where they are in the photo and I will send you a copy.
Standing outside the Church of Our Lady and St Patrick in Castle Street Ballmoney we have the happy Mullan couple with their Best man, Bridesmaids and Flower girls.
On the left we have the Best Man Danny Mullan, then Bridesmaid Rosie Elder, the smilling Groom Brian Mullan with his lovely Bride Sarah Mullan nee Coyles and Bridesmaid
Theresa Mullan.
In front the two cute flower Girls, on the left is Eve Mullan and on the right is Meta Swinney who became later in life a Owens.
Here we have the Teachers male and female along with the pupils of Ballymoney Model School having their photograph taken indoors around 1973.
Here are the names of the pupils so far Back Row: last on the right Claire Smyth, 2nd from the right is William Laverty. Carol Smyth 3rd on the left 4th row.
Second Row: 4th on the left is John Richmond. Mr. Hurbert Taggert extreme left then Mr. Sands
Now if you know anymore names please let me know where they are in the photo and I will send you a copy.
Courtesy of Ballymoney Museum