This is Charlotte Street in Ballymoney formerly known
as Piper (Pyper) Row in early 1900's.
On the pavement to the left is a lady in black carrying a couple of bags,
to her right in the middle of the road is a Man on a horse staying still for
the photograph.
On the pavement to the right is a lady with her apron on to protect her clothes
while she making outside her house clean and tidy. I remember my Mum every
morning washing
the doorstep and brushing the pavement.
Dympna Wilson also remembers living at number 15 with her grandmother that
of course was many, many years later. Also a Dr. Alexander lived at No. 21
in 1824. A William McIntyre an Architect at No. 28.
Here on the corner of Main Street Ballymoney we have Cochrane & Son in
1905. They were wholesalers, Retail Drapers and Outfitters. Mrs. George was
the leading dressmaker.
Next door to them on the left is a man standing in the doorway was a place
you didn't want to be seen entering or leaving, it was the Pawnbrokers.

It's in the early 1900's here in Castle Street Ballymoney on a bright and
sunny morning around 10am judging by the shadows. It always amazes me how
the photographers back then could get people to stop what they are doing and
stand still for a couple of minutes. On the left are two ajoining thatched
cottages with their half doors although the first cottage must be cold in
the winter for look at the gap at the bottom of the door. On down there is
a dog lying down enjoying the heat of the sun. Just passing him is a man with
his arms wrapped round something while the woman of the shop looks on. Next
to her is a man in a three piece suit, bowler hat stiff collar necked shirt
and tie.watching the photographer. Behind him peeping out is a lady in a grey
blouse, long black skirt and barefooted. You can see that some people have
gas going by the street lamp. On the road which is just hard packed earth
is a man in a suit with a cloth flat cap. Beside him is a man in working clothes
holding onto a small donkey and next is a young boy holding a long stick.
Behind him is a man holding onto his horse which is pulling a cart and further
down the road is another horse and cart coming this way. Going in the opposite
direction is a lady and a man on a cart passing more thatched cottages and
more to come.
It's a cold day here in Church Street Ballymoney with a few inches of snow
lying on the ground and the sky heavy with more to come. On the left is a
butcher's shop displaying a side of beef with the butcher standing next to
it who could possibly be James Craig. On down is a young boy walking up the
street keeping his hands firmly in his pockets. Further down the street is
another butchers most likely John McKenna's and he too has sides of beef on
display, I can remember going to the butchers and there was sawdust all over
the floor and that was in the early 1960's. Across from the shop is a horse
and cart fully loaded going down the street. Here on the right of the photograph
is John Boyle the solictor of Messrs. P. & J. Boyle, solicitors. inside
the building were other offices, a yard with a small garden. Standing in the
road looking at the photographer his a father and his two sons. Looking at
them I wonder how the other children you in see in a lot of photos do who
were barefooted ?

It's now 1930 here on Church Street Ballmoney on this early sunny morning
and as always there are shoppers out looking for bargains. On the left just
coming into view from behind the telegraph pole is a lady carrying a very
familar object, the good old woven basket. In the middle of the road is a
sign of what's to come a motor car going up the street with two more in view.
To the right of the car is a horse and cart and while the man unloads the
goods a small boy holds onto the reins. Behind them something really heavy
is being delivered for it's taken a Steam traction engine.
1990 and the snow that has fallen is melting slowly away here thankfully for
the people out and about in it in Church Street Ballymoney. The street is
full of horses and carts with the drivers quickly unloading their goods for
the shops. On the left is a man with a bowler looking at the shop window while
out in the street a small boy is looking at the photographer taking the photo.
On across the road a man stands watching also with two young men are too busy
chatting. Behind them is a very large imposing building with a gas streetlamp
in front and two young girls gaze into the shop window.