This is Mickey Marley on the streets of Belfast in 1986 with his roundabout
which was pulled by his horse and as you can see his faithfull dog was always
with him. Children flocked to him and in my day it was a penny a ride, the
roundabout was turned by a handle which Mickey did with great gusto and
there was even a song about him called "Mickey Marley's Roundabout".
On his roundabout in this photograph from the left are sisters Christine,
Sharon and Michelle Irvine. His roundabout is now housed in the Ulster Folk
and Transport Museum.
The chorus of Mickey Marley's Roundabout is:
Round and round and up and
Through the streets of Belfast town,
All the children laugh and shout,
Here comes Mickey's roundabout.
When Mickey retired he sold the roundabout to the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum. Micky went home on the 28th April 2005.