This Ballycastle beach, in the background is the Marine hotel. Most of the men are looking towards the photographer even the driver of the coach has stopped going to lift
off someone's trunk. To the right of the photo 1st floor of the hotel is a person also watching what is going on. While down on the beach three girls seem to be enjoying
hemselves digging in the sand. That cannot be said for the boy to their left who would be much happier on a putting green. Behind the boy is a lady who could be
supervising the children. To the right of the girls is another girl holding her spade and looking at the camera. Behind her is a young lady smiling at the little girl while to her
right are two young ladies probably discussing what she should do with her scarf which is blowing everywhere.
Here down in Ballycastle harbour in the 1930's a lot of activity going on and it looks like the girls have had their swim for they have towels around them. Just a man in the
water with a couple of boys on the boat with their cossies on. While others have already packed up and getting ready to go home. Over to the right sniffing around the sand
hoping to find something is a Wire-haired Scotch Terrier. Over to the left are two men probably discussing the weather and watching the girls don't damage the boats