It's 1943 and the Second world War rages on in Eurpoe but we are here in Newtownstewart to enjoy ourselves and celebrate the wedding of James Stevenson and Mona McAdoo.
In the extreme back row the first two men are Unknown, but the five ladies are Nora Stevenson, Minnie Stevenson, Unknown Marie Stevenso and thenJean Stevenson from America. In front of Jean the lady with the flowered hat is Jessie Stevenson the Groom's mother. Beside her with just his head showing
is Spencer Stevenson and on the extreme right behind the minister is "Big Jim" Stevenson from America.The minister on the left is Rev. Gabby then the Groom James Stevenson and beside him his lovely bride now Mrs Mona Stevenson then behind them is their Best Man Jack Stevenson.
Seated on the left in her splendid WAAF uniform is Corporal Jenny Stevenson, the lady with a baby on her knee is Mrs Gabby and at the end of the row also with a baby on her knee is Mrs McAdoo.
