The photographer was another scout Bonner Holmes. He worked for the Belfast Telegraph as a photographer.
The camera Bonner used was 50 pounds in weight and was carried by Bonner in a nap-sack on his back as he cycled from Belfast & back.

This is the Carrick-a-Rede Rope bridge that I crossed over when a young lad as you can see it was just like of today only it did not have the lattice
ropework on the sides, just the top rope to hold on to. It used to sway a lot when crossing over, of course we used to deliberately make it sway even more.
Now that's not me in the photograph, this was taken back in 1938. The Strong man is Leslie McCurdy from Ligoniel, Belfast. He worked at W.D & H.O Wills tobacco factory in Belfast. He was a member of a Belfast scout troupe who one day cycled past Robert Wilson who was cutting a hedge near Ballymoney, they chatted and the scouts asked if they could pitch tents in a field. It was agreed and they did for a number of summers. They cycled the 55 miles from Belfast most summer weekends and at one point organised dances in Robert Wilson's hay loft.
The dances were organised by the farmers union and music was provided by McMasters band or Johnnie Owens.